Die private Hochschule ist doch nur was für Reiche! Da gehen nur die hin, die ihr Abi mit Ach und Krach geschafft haben! Hartnäckige Vorurteile, denn schaut man genauer hin, stellt man fest: Das Studium an einer privaten Hochschule ist weder besser noch schlechter – dafür aber an vielen Stellen anders als an staatlichen Unis.
Chinese-European Economics and Business Studies
an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Badensche Straße 52, 10825 Berlin, Berlin zum Studiengang
The intercultural programme Chinese-European Economics and Business Studies provides students with key insights into major aspects of economic development in China and Europe. The skills taught include analyses of specific aspects of trade relations and financial flows, and an understanding of the social and economic interrelations between these two geo-political regions.The MA CEEBS Programme addresses applicants who have acquired their first degree (Bachelor/Diploma) and who have a particular interest in the field of the rapidly growing Chinese-European economic and business relations.
The MA CEEBS Programme addresses applicants who have acquired their first degree (Bachelor/Diploma) and who have a particular interest in the field of the rapidly growing Chinese-European economic and business relations.
Telefon: | +49 (0)30 30877-1254 |
E-Mail: | studienberatung@hwr-berlin.de |
Web: | http://www.mba-berlin.de |